Brazil Nuts
The growth and harvesting of Brazil nuts is the most unique of all nuts. Brazil nuts come from wild trees scattered throughout the Amazon rain forests. Brazil trees are giant evergreens indigenous to the Amazon Basin. The trees can exceed 150 feet in height, towering over other tropical vegetation. Large, spherical fruits resembling coconuts weigh approximately 4 pounds each. When the fruits ripen, they fall to the ground. Watch out below! Inside the outer shell lies 12 to 24 Brazil nuts which we sell already shelled.

Organic Brazil Nuts
From $12.95 - $416.68

Roasted/Salted Delight Mix
From $10.95 - $209.10

Roasted/Salted Deluxe Mix
From $12.95 - $282.90

Roasted/Unsalted Delight Mix
From $10.95 - $209.10

Roasted/Unsalted Deluxe Mix
From $12.95 - $282.90

40oz Mixed Nut Inshell Deluxe

Gift #20 - 2lb Round Deluxe Mix

Gift #21 - 1lb Round Deluxe Mix

Gift #22 - 2lb Round Delight Mix

Gift #23 - 1lb Round Delight Mix